Pictures are an essential element in your website design. They are the most effective way to influence your ideal client’s perception. If done right, photos strengthen trust and credibility.
It’s best to wait to shoot new pictures until we’ve settled on your website’s design layout and color scheme. That way, we can ensure to align the location/background and clothes’ colors.
Below are best practices for photos on websites for advisor personal brands and firms:
Personal Brand
Your home page “above the fold” image will give you the most leverage/influence. It’s a larger-than-life first impression. Convey the vibe you want and amplify it.
Three things to keep in mind:
- Wear what you’d wear to a meeting with a client/prospective client. One of our clients, Michael H Baker, wore a snazzy suit with Air Jordan’s for shoes. (See below)
- It doesn’t matter if you stand with your hands in your pockets or arms crossed. What does? Smile 🙂 Trust is key. And nothing says trust like a smile.
- Don’t try to put on a show or be something you’re not. Ideal prospects are drawn to you for your personality and vibe.
Branding as a firm is a bit different. The home page image above the fold is less important. Instead, we like to emphasize the headline text.
A solid statement to position your firm in the market typically does the trick rather than another picture of a mountain range or city skyline.
Alternatively, custom graphics that fit the vibe of your brand work nicely. Emphasis on custom!
Check out Topturn Capitals home page image.
The wave conveys the concept of the brand. A surfer executes a “topturn” at the crest of a wave to leverage the momentum to their advantage. Topturn is about momentum. Cool, right?
Pictures of founders are still great, but we will typically use them lower on the home page and/or the about page. Here it’s about the whole team and founders, not one person. So get everyone involved and have fun! Give a glimpse into your company’s culture and the dynamic between co-workers.
We love team photos like these from Hixon Zuercher Capital: