What kind of financial advisor lead magnet should you create so your ideal client is excited to sign up for it?
And how do you go about converting a quality lead into an actual client once they receive your free resource?
Having an effective lead magnet can be a game changer for financial advisors looking to grow their business online. The best lead magnets catch the attention of qualified leads and warm them up to your services.
Keep reading to learn how to capture, captivate and convert your ideal client by creating an effective lead magnet conversion funnel.
What we’ll cover:
- Ultimate Financial Advisor Lead Magnet Guidelines
- The 5 Best Lead Magnets For Financial Advisors 2022
- Convert Leads with This Conversion Funnel Step-By-Step Guide
Ultimate Financial Advisor Lead Magnet Guidelines
Having the following in place will ensure you get the most out of the time spent creating your lead magnet.
So let’s jump into the 6 lead magnet guidelines:
Don’t make people think
A confused mind takes no action.
A concise message about what the lead magnet is about, who it’s for, and what prospective clients can expect once signing up is the golden rule of any marketing material.
Share unique content that is specific to your niche
Coming back to the importance of clarity around your niche market, you should create something specific to your niche.
If you help families with small businesses manage their money, then the free content you provide should speak to these people.
Brownlee Wealth Management has created two very specific lead magnets that portray their client base, employees of ExxonMobil and Chevron.
Want to get more clients from your website? Learn how we can help you create a website that converts.
Solve your ideal clients #1 challenge
Readers only opt in if they can see an immediate result from your lead magnet!
Does your resource speak to what your ideal prospects struggle with most?
After all, they exchange their information for your resource. Make sure they won’t regret it by getting them one step closer to their desired outcome.
What’s the first best thing they need to know/realize/do to recognize their next steps?
Shift their perspective
A lead magnet shouldn’t replace your service. Instead, open your ideal client’s mind and shift their perspective on what is possible and how you can help them.
Let them see the value you bring to the table. Tell them WHAT needs to be done to get them closer to their goals, validating your expertise.
Conversely, offer your service to get to the HOW. Think transformational vs. only informational.
Brand and Design your Resource to Strengthen your Authority
The quality of the design and layout of your resource matters- it reflects your business!
- A well-rounded and branded PDF is sufficient if you’re providing a list of suggestions, questions, or exercises.
- If you are packing a lot of information into your lead magnet, like a mini-training, it would be best to provide the content via a webinar or video series. Again, make sure it’s on brand and has a professional design to strengthen your authority.
- Showcase your lead magnet in a Mockup. This is an essential part of branding your free resource. As a virtual product, you want to make it more tangible for prospects to convey its value.
Save their Time
Lastly, condense information so it’s easy to understand.
Save them research time or help them figure out a strategy to achieve their goals faster.
Give them clear step-by-step instructions, tips, or shortcuts. Whatever it is, make sure it makes the search for answers more efficient. Otherwise, there’s little chance they’ll be interested in it.
5 Best Financial Advisor Lead Magnets for 2022
Now that you know the rules that’ll help you build a great lead magnet that converts, let’s take a look at some of the best financial advisor lead magnet examples for 2022.
The best format for your lead magnet depends on your target market and the kind of your resource.
Consider how your ideal clients usually digest content best and how the information is best delivered.
Take the prospect through a process, helping them achieve an instant result, one step closer to their goals, rather than just providing them with information.
1. Checklist
Checklists like Valtinson Bruner’s “Retire Ready Checklist” give readers actionable advice. And who doesn’t like a good to-do list?
2. Toolkit
To give your readers a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to reach their goals, provide them with a toolkit! Combining resources you’ve created for clients and prospects gives extra value, like the WhealthHackerLabs’ “Wealth Hacker Toolkit”.
3. Cheatsheet
Want to uncover unconventional financial wisdom? In this case, a cheatsheet might just be the perfect way to present your expertise, just like KnowMyPlan’s “7 money mistakes every sales executive should avoid”.
4. Plan
Prospects come to your site for direction. Therefore, providing them with a compact and easy-to-implement plan will give them an insight into how it is working with you. What the Wealth’s “1 Page Wealth Plan” is a great example.
5. E-Book
There’s a lot that goes into planning for major financial transitions. Paula Pant wrote a whole E-Book about how to quit your job and become financially independent. E-Books are overarching and a great way to deepen the trust of potential clients.
Convert Leads with This Conversion Funnel- Step-By-Step Guide
1. Research your niche to find the #1 challenge your ideal client is facing
Who are you creating this resource for?
This is the first thing you should be clear on to create something truly relevant, that will attract the people you want to work with.
Go through a thorough evaluation of what makes you unique.
2. Create the resource
Position your content as a competitive advantage
There are many advisors out there with similar expertise or offers as you.
Taking this into consideration shouldn’t discourage you but rather inspire you to figure out how you can create a resource that’s even better than your competitors.
A great way to do this is to brand your lead magnet to communicate the results prospects can expect from this resource.
Create magnetic content
A lead magnet is great for capturing emails, and therefore bring ideal prospects into your “conversion funnel”, warming them up to your services.
Ensure that the content strengthens your authority and makes it clear that you have the answers to their questions.
3. Have a Conversion Funnel in place
If done right, a conversion strategy can get those leads, captured with your lead magnet, from consuming your content to scheduling a call.
Trust is a requirement! Before any big asks like jumping on a call or pulling out their credit card, your prospects need to be clear on your firm’s value proposition.
So, make sure you have the following setup before launching your lead magnet:
Follow-Up Emails
Following the delivery of your lead magnet, it’s best to have a personalized email sequence set up.
Nurture potential clients with automated emails to build trust over time.
Every email serves a specific purpose, like building authority, addressing objections, and educating on solutions- your service.
Did you know that it takes about 7 impressions for someone to buy into your services? (Forbes)
Take the heavy lifting off your shoulders and automate emails using automation services!
Lastly, add a “Call To Action” for conversion.
Prompt prospects to directly schedule a call with you or visit your “Unique Discovery Process” page.
Unique Discovery Process
You create the lead magnet for one reason and one reason only: to get more clients!
In a perfect world, a prospective client sees your lead magnet, says “heck yes,” and puts in their email address to get the freebie.
The resource makes them go through a perception shift, and they can see not only what is possible for them but that you are the one who can help them move through their obstacles to achieve their desired outcome.
Make their experience with your business outstanding from the get-go, by optimizing your client onboarding process and providing a unique service.
The Unique Discovery Process makes it clear and easy for visitors to understand what to expect once they book a call with you.
4. Successfully market your financial advisor lead magnet
According to Unbounce, financial services’ average landing page conversion rate is ~3-6%.
Achieve conversion rates of up to a proud 57% by combining your lead magnet with a landing page that targets your niche, like our client Benjamin Brandt’s “Retire Ready Toolkit”, far beyond average.
Optimize your website
“The success of a page should be measured by one criteria: does the visitor do what you want them to do?” -Aaron Wall.
Make sure to optimize your website by placing your powerlander, pop-ups, etc. in highly-visible locations.
Here are some examples of how we optimized www.definefinancial.com to successfully market all their lead magnets:
Display lead magnet on homepage.
Use pop-ups to bring eyes to your free resources.
Add sign-up forms to other pages of your site, like your blog. 
Spread the word
Now it’s time to let people know about your fantastic resource.
Share it on social media, send it to your current email list, and to those who expressed their interest in your service.
Lead Magnet for Financial Advisors, Summarized
Having a lead magnet on your website is vital to having a digital marketing strategy that works.
Financial advisor lead magnets that are best for conversions are those that are:
- niche-specific
- transformational vs. only informational
- directly linked to your service
In a market teeming with competing financial services, what differentiates you from the others must be abundantly clear in your marketing.
The challenge is defining and communicating your difference in a way that compels prospects to contact YOU…
This is our area of expertise.
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