To make it easy to consume content, break it down into categories, bite size chunks that are easy to digest. A step by step roadmap to reach a goal will ensure your visitors become fans of your content and the solution your business provides. Let’s see how we helped Todd from apply those principals to the design of his Start Here page.
We are wired to connect with stories. A start page that tells a story will hook the visitor, command their attention, and earn you the right to have their precious attention. An image is essential (tells a thousand words). Graphics that support the text will convey your stories message and heIp ensure that you have a chance to tell the right people that they’re in the right place. A story driven start here page, gives the prerequisites to joining your community in the form of a story helping you attract and hold the attention of everyone your story touches. Let’s see how we helped Jeff from, hold the attention of readers through images and the design of his Start page.
© 2016 | Blucore Enterprise, LLC. All rights reserved.
© 2016 | Blucore Enterprise, LLC. All rights reserved.